Entre Soles y Lunas has an international advisory committee, made up of highly qualified professionals who guide and provide guidelines to strengthen the programs and projects developed by the Foundation.

Dr. Sneider Rojas – Mora

Location: Medellín, Colombia

Head of the Department of Anthropology, Universidad de Antioquia; Anthropologist, Master in Latin American Studies and PhD in Anthropology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 

His main works are focused on ethnohistory, history, archaeology and social anthropology.

Dr. Carmen Ascanio

Location: Islas Canarias, Spain

Professor of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of La Laguna; PhD from the Universidad de Sevilla.

Deputy Director of the Center for African Studies, Director of the Cultural Chair “Globalization, migrations and new citizenships”; Coordinator of the research group “Migrations, gender and identities. Policy analysis and evaluation.”

Dr. Silvia Facal

Location: Montevideo, Uruguay

Director of the Cátedra Magallanes (Viajes y Viajeros) of the Department of Humanities of the Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Professor and researcher at Universidad Católica Uruguay; Universidad de Montevideo and Universidad de la Empresa in Uruguay; researcher at ANII Uruguay. PhD in Contemporary and American History from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Master in Immigration from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid - Spain.

Raquel Ramírez

Location: Spain

Master in Environmental Management and Social Graduate from the Universidad de La Rioja, Specialist in Nursing Care, secretary of the PANAL association (association for the protection and promotion of the Heritage of Nalda and its surroundings La Rioja, Spain). She has been involved for 25 years in the social appropriation of the Heritage.
