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Migration and family growth

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The migration phenomenon, when assumed responsibly, can be an important step towards the economic and personal progress of many people around the world. The benefits that migration can generate can be reflected in the migrant's families at points of origin when the migrant travels with the objective of finding income that helps solve the local economy or, when migration is family and each of the members achieves find diverse opportunities for inclusion in new destinations.

When a person travels alone with the intention of settling in and creating adequate spaces and conditions with the aim of supporting the family in the future, it is a process called family reunification. “covers family reunification, family formation, workers, accompanying family members, and international adoption” (migrationdataportal,2021).

When we talk about migration we can touch on different aspects that involve not only personal migration but also the intention for the entire nucleus to move in a “family migration” format. Implicit and included migration can also occur when a family member makes the decision to travel and then the other emotional ties travel, which in many cases include adolescents or children who are not in the capacity to make decisions and are simply included in the decision.

The term family migration is used to designate the displacement of people who migrate due to “new or already established family ties” (migrationdataportal, 2021).

According to the above, links or ties can be reflected for different reasons such as: reunification with a family member who previously migrated, family members accompanying the main migrant, marriage between an immigrant and a national; marriage between an immigrant and a foreigner who lives outside their country, and international adoptions” (migrationdataportal,2021).

It is worth mentioning that when you migrate as a family there may be several aspects to consider: Being a nucleus that shares culture, cuisine and other aspects, there are strengths that allow us to face challenges or experiences in the best possible way, but conflicts also arise because each The individual begins to connect in different ways to the new context that is often shocking with the other members of the family or the crises that adolescents or children, especially, experience if they cannot be accepted by their peers in the place of destination.

Since migration poses considerably complicated challenges, among which are: the separation of family members for long periods while reunification occurs either in the country of origin or in the country of destination, the youngest members suffer changes in various contexts such as problems of socialization, cultural adaptation, language or either because “they are separated from their parents by remaining in their place of origin, or because they emigrate with their families or alone.” (IOM,2022)

Family migration allows migrants to feel “accompanied” in their labor and cultural adaptation process when economic conditions and especially migration policies are favorable for migrants to travel with their families because “the scope of family reunification It depends on national legislation, for example, some countries may include same-sex couples (registered or married) or unmarried couples, while others may not (European Migration Network, 2017). Therefore, the definition of who is a family member varies from country to country.” (migrationdataportal,2021).

Finally, family migration encompasses a number of challenges in terms of well-being and protection, but it is up to human beings to learn to overcome the adversities that may arise, also anticipating the risks of each action and of course if a good is sought. only personal but familiar. It is also worth noting that there are countries that do not immediately admit migration altogether to avoid possible consequences due to mass migration, therefore all possible scenarios and the advantages in favor must be evaluated.




OIM ONU migración. (2022). Obtenido de MIGRACIÓN Y FAMILIAS: https://www.iom.int/es/migracion-y-familias

PORTAL DE DATOS SOBRE MIGRACIÓN . (04 de mayo de 2021). Obtenido de Migración familiar: https://www.migrationdataportal.org/es/themes/migracion-familiar


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