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UNESCO and Learning by Helping open a call for the first edition of their teaching certification in social innovation for sustainable development

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Education is a fundamental pillar for human development and the progress of societies. Recognizing the importance of this aspect, the United Nations Organization for
Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), in collaboration with Learning by Helping, an agency and academy that is dedicated to creating and teaching how to create projects with social, environmental and economic impact, has launched a sustainable project initiative in the unprecedented time and has been destined to strengthen the educational system in Latin America.

The project arises at a crucial time for education in the region, where significant gaps persist in access and quality of education. Teacher training plays a fundamental role in improving these aspects, since teachers are key agents in the transformation of the educational system and in the comprehensive development of students. The call is aimed at teachers at all educational levels, from initial education to higher education. In addition, professionals interested in the educational field are invited to participate in this training and professional development opportunity. Participants are expected to acquire updated competencies and skills in areas such as innovative teaching methodologies, effective use of technology in the classroom, strategies for educational inclusion and attention to diversity.

Training will be carried out through online courses, specialized teaching materials and educational resources designed by experts in the field of education. Participants will also have the opportunity to participate in practical and collaborative activities, thus promoting the exchange of experiences and practices between teachers from different countries in the region.

The call will be open for a certain period, and those interested can find more information and register through the official website of both collaborators. It is expected that this initiative will contribute not only to strengthening the skills and competencies of teachers, but also to foster a culture of collaboration and continuous learning in the Latin American educational field. Over the course of the six months covered by this certification, participants will delve into the universe of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), not only understanding their meaning, but also exploring their operation within the institutional context and the global environment dedicated to its achievement. They will be provided with fundamental social innovation tools that will enable them to devise projects and solutions with lasting impact.

Learning by Helping's educational methodology has been carefully designed to integrate a variety of pedagogical concepts and strategies. The goal is that upon completing the certification, participants can successfully apply this knowledge in their teaching environments, thus promoting the training of a new generation that values and understands the importance of sustainable development.

This is why its collaboration with UNESCO represents a firm commitment to improving education in Latin America and to the development of more just, inclusive and prosperous societies for future generations; Likewise, this training not only offers high-quality education at no cost to governments, but also addresses one of the greatest challenges at a global level: promoting a joint effort towards sustainable development.

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