When we talk about the climate emergency, we mention droughts, floods, high and low temperatures, among other factors. We develop all the triggers that cause a great impact at a social, economic and environmental level, affecting different sectors of countries around the world.
Currently, global warming or boiling is a topic that is on the rise. There is a special concept that accompanies this problem when natural causes, such as floods, are the protagonists of the scene and that concept is called evacuations.
We understand evacuation as the movement of one or more people from one place to another. Maybe you are wondering what this has to do with the climate emergency or maybe not, in any case this is important since we can relate it to a term that is little heard and even unknown and it is climate migrations.
If this is the first time you are hearing about this, keep reading because we are going to develop some things to learn more about this topic.
There are several types of migration, such as family migration, irregular migration, labor migration, among others. This time we are going to focus only on two, migration for environmental reasons and climate migration.
- Migration for environmental reasons is the movement of one or several people, who, mainly due to sudden and gradual changes in the environment, are displaced from their residence of origin temporarily or permanently. This occurs since these changes cause a very strong negative impact on their lives and that is why they are forced to move or sometimes they simply decide to do so.
- Climate migration is also understood as the movement of one or more people who decide or are forced to move from their usual place, either temporarily or permanently within their country or crossing international borders, due to sudden or progressive changes in the environment. of the environment and is due to climate change.
These concepts can be read as similar, however climate migration is a subcategory within migration for environmental reasons.
The reason for migration to occur is not always due to the destruction of the person's home; it often happens that the means and resources used to live are gradually lost.
These cases are not so visible since they are not on the verge of losing everything and that is why it is unknown about these migrations, which are sometimes called “silent.”
A study by the Internal Displacements Due To Disaster 2013-2022 shows that in 2022 disasters caused 32.6 million new displacements, which appears to be the highest figure in a decade, as well as 41% more than the annual average. the last decade. In December of that same year, at least 8.7 million people from at least 88 countries and territories were living in situations of displacement as a result of these disasters that occurred in the year and even previous years.
There are natural disasters that take away more than houses, buildings and material things. There are catastrophes that take people from their towns to other parts of the world, these giant changes have to be on the rise, talking about it is important to recognize the problem and act with solid solutions.