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Migratory quality of life around the world

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Let's take a look at what is true in the quality of life of migrants, taking into account how it impacts the mental, sociolinguistic, and work-related aspects depending on certain characteristics and conditions.

It is true that academic training contributes significantly to the insertion of people into new contexts, but their ability to relate and generate empathy is also vital.

Academic training is subject to variables that are linked to processes: for example; It is different when the professional is hired at the place of origin for specific tasks that recognize their academic degrees; another when the professional has previous links that seriously guarantee that he will be hired in his profession in the place where he arrives and a very different one when the professional must carry out the validations of his academic degrees in the place of destination, taking into account that They really are professions that can be validated according to the specificities of each territory.

Many professional migrants undergo tasks that are very different from those they carry out in their place of origin until they are able to establish links and get the money to carry out the legal procedures in each place, which in turn takes time that can often be months. or years.

In this process, people can experience a multiplicity of episodes:

  • Facing melancholic and lonely times

Being away implies changes that affect sensations and perceptions that affect senses of independence, security and quality of life. It can also lead to the famous “homesick” that is called being “unhappy to be away from home” in this case outside the country of origin and the security that one has had. This stage is experienced according to the characteristics of each individual and can have responses in multiple ways depending on many variables, including the capacity for adaptation, resilience or simply life experiences, which affects the ability to assume situations outside the zone. of comfort.

  • Changes in the way you see the world

Every change generates transformation in one way or another and impacts in different ways. Every trip, even within one's own territories, allows one to discover other realities as long as one has the ability to assimilate experiences that add to the construction of each individual. Everything depends on mental, emotional and psychological openness to accept the challenges that are going to be experienced. What is supposed to be lived according to the imagination or what others say is not the same, which is often the product of denials or the need to not tell realities, which are falsified so as not to reveal the dramas that may be being experienced. . Images of distant places seen in the media or social networks are not a good indicator because they do not reflect the realities or the daily life of the experience in situ, which is very different and changes from territory to territory even in countries on the same continents and with greater impact on transoceanic changes.

When migrating you must go with an open mind to customs, foods, languages, idioms, relationships that can sometimes be strong depending on your own beliefs or ways of life.

“The destination you decide to emigrate to will undoubtedly surprise you. You will get to know other cultures and go into details. For example, in Spain on Sundays, except in tourist places like Madrid or Barcelona, shops are usually closed. Or in Australia the typical food includes kangaroo meat. That is, data that is only experienced when you reside abroad for a long period of time. So, things that you paid attention to in your country are now important focuses to attend to, especially if they put a lot at stake.”

  • Sociolinguistic changes

Living abroad implies making language changes according to the new place to which you plan to move and this is valid even for countries that supposedly use the same language; It must be taken into account that words change and have other meanings depending on traditions, customs or influences that affect identities. It must be taken into account that, even if Spanish or another language is spoken natively, it changes according to the contexts and likewise the understandings undergo modifications that affect the way of each place.

  • Job challenges

Living abroad and looking for work is not easy, but it all depends on how strong you are to take it on. It must be taken into account that one begins to compete in the job offer with the citizens of the country to which one has migrated, which in turn often causes resentment, discrimination and rejection on the part of the locals, affecting inclusion. . However, it is always important to consider that everything is possible when you have enough information, documentation and energy to face life. Therefore, living and working in another country is possible.

A good step is to inquire about opportunities that are verified and do not put life at risk. “For example, Australia and Canada have very good immigration programs for skilled workers. And they are destinations where there is practically no discrimination, so it doesn't matter your physique, your age, your gender or your religion. If you are what employers are looking for, they will open doors for you.” (Moreno,2021).

It is always vital to think about migration being healthy, safe, responsible and providing the minimum conditions of sustainability for the individual. That the migrant is “aware of his own reality and with hegemony to be able to decide about his future. “Sustainability requires putting human beings in a necessary and intrinsic relationship with the environment, with their ecological and social surroundings.” (Cortes, 2012)

Personal changes go hand in hand with social, economic, cultural, spiritual changes and affect cultural processes and environmental impact in one way or another. And human mobilization is a right to which every individual should be entitled in conditions of guarantee and security without violating their Human Rights, because all human beings are social by nature, capable of articulating circuits of cooperation with others.

In conclusion: Migration contributes and is part of a process when it is assumed from a conscious perspective as: “… systemic process that requires strategies, actions, investments and policies in various areas. The phenomenon of migration can be sustainable if it is capable of generating stability of life in people and generating strategic proposals in economic matters, human rights and dignity, social inclusion and cultural-religious respect, establishing intercultural ties and emotional family and community ties” ( Cortes, 2012)



Moreno, I. (25 de 05 de 2021). Vivir en el extranjero | 7 secretos que necesitas saber. Obtenido de growpro: https://growproexperience.com/global/vivir-en-el-extranjero/

Cortés Bofill, M. (29 de 08 de 2012). Obtenido de plazapublica.com: https://www.plazapublica.com.gt/content/migraciones-sustentables-con-calidad-de-vida




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