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Relationship between gender migration and climate change

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For many it must be something unusual to hear about the relationship that exists between migration, gender and the environment (specifically climate change) but it is a reality that afflicts many people around the world and it is necessary for more entities to speak out about it. the issue and do something about it. The first step to make a positive change is to make this problem known.

It is important to highlight that some entities such as the IOM and ECLAC have made resolutions for this issue since they seek to “promote gender equality in the environment, migration and displacement due to disasters in the Caribbean.” On the other hand, it is necessary to emphasize that in the study the word “gender” is not only reduced to the fragilities and talents or knowledge of women and girls, it also includes the LGBTIQ+ community, a population that has been violated over time, although Little by little their rights as citizens and equals have been recognized. Additionally, the word gender should address characteristics such as age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

On the other hand, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that “the effects of climate change have been recorded for decades and will worsen in the coming years”, this implies a process of human transit being more influenced by women and girls one of the cities with the most danger.

Returning to the IOM and ECLAC study, I will point out below the five findings presented in it:

  • Gender is a fundamental factor in understanding environmental migration and disaster displacement.
    • According to Escobar (2022) “Migration and other human mobility processes linked to disasters, environmental degradation and climate change are closely related to gender.” Furthermore, experimental certainty shows us that the classic gender constitution exposes the risk suffered by women, girls, indigenous and LGBTI people in times of crisis or transition.
  • Disaster situations, displacement and temporary accommodation require gender-sensitive interventions.
    • Everything related to cataclysms or natural disasters affects all human beings in a negative way, of course, but it is usually more noticeable in women and girls. Since, in these situations, “women can be victims of gender-based violence and human trafficking” (ESCOBAR,2022). Likewise, they are one of the population groups that, when trying to organize their lives, face all kinds of problems when they have the need to move.
  • Limited access to resources and opportunities influences gender-specific vulnerabilities and capacities to return to communities of origin after displacement.
    • When these vulnerable groups are affected by marginalization and inequality, their possibilities to access key resources to improve their quality are significantly reduced.
  • Gender-based violence is a fundamental issue that must be addressed in situations of migration and disaster.
    • “Gender violence is considered in many countries in Central, North America and the Caribbean as a public health problem that requires policy formulation.” (ESCOBAR,2022) The migration process is usually related to this harsh reality, both women and girls are the population that most often suffers all types of abuse, violence and threats towards their person. These types of violations can occur during internal or international immigration transit.
  • It is necessary to improve evidence and data to facilitate the development of policies with a gender perspective.
    • As mentioned in the previous extract, it is essential to mention this problem and facilitate the collection of data through investigations by serious entities and governments of the countries in order to be able to make fair policies that protect these people from vulnerabilities in which they may be exposed. Since by “improving the capacity for collection, interpretation and exchange of disaggregated data at the local, regional and international level, it is a task of primary necessity for the formulation of policies that reduce the vulnerabilities of women and girls in the face of adverse environmental events” ( ESCOBAR,2022)

In conclusion, by disseminating this type of problems, there will be no more impunities that oppress these vulnerable populations and real and forceful protection solutions can be provided through migration or displacement processes, whether internal or external.



Escobar, C. (08 de marzo de 2022). OFICINA REGIONAL PARA CENTROAMÉRICA, NORTEAMERICA Y EL CARIBE. Obtenido de 5 HALLAZGOS SOBRE LA RELACIÓN ENTRE MIGRACIÓN, GÉNERO Y CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO.: https://rosanjose.iom.int/es/blogs/5-hallazgos-sobre-la-relacion-entre-migracion-genero-y-cambio-climatico.



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