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Human rights, a challenge to bring about change as individuals and collectively?

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By Dajaira Barahona Bernal

Welcome to our blog. Today we have a section dedicated to Human Rights and I want, in this article, to analyze some of them. I will be happy to examine with you some situations that I have encountered over time and evaluate whether they have become a challenge for individuals and groups in the different sectors of commerce.

The objective of this post is to help us evaluate how each of us can contribute to preserving human values in our different areas.

With that said, let's get to today's topic:

Human rights, do you know them? Do you defend them? Join me in reflecting a little more on this:

I am convinced that many of those who visit here know or have knowledge about what Human Rights are. Even so, it is worth taking a look here at how their safeguarding is being handled.

Let us start from the basis that Human Rights naturally correspond to every person, without distinction of sex, age, socioeconomic condition, ethnicity, physical or mental abilities, sexual orientation, religious and political preferences, among other variables typical of human wealth and their relationship.

I invite you to explore a little history:

The process of constitutionalization of Human Rights lasted several centuries and began with the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 and from there it progressed with various approaches.

Thus, in the 1940s and as a result of the world crisis, the Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948, as a result of the harsh experience suffered by the world due to the Second World War.

This is how the creation of the United Nations was consolidated and where the international community committed to never again allow atrocities like those that occurred in that conflict.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is then conceived as a universal moral code of conduct, giving rise to the International Bill of Rights, basing its values on humanity and shared dignity.

Today the Declaration is a dynamic and evolving project.

Let's see a screenshot of the Human Rights group,

It is important to review: which of these groups do you put into practice, either on a personal or work level?

  • Physical integrity.
  • Intimacy, family and beliefs.
  • Economic, social and cultural rights.
  • Civic participation.
  • Right to justice.
  • Common benefit.
  • Racial, social, economic, sexual, religious or other discrimination.

Within these groupings, some of the 30 articles of the Declaration have been codified.

Our objective must be equity and equality in human rights.

Reflect taking into account important social problems that continue to arise.

I will reflect on 2 specific situations, illustrating with some examples.

  1. A clear example: inequality in Education.

The Covid-19 pandemic has left traces in terms of inequalities in terms of access to education.

On one side of the coin: We see private educational establishments that adjusted their teaching to the virtual modality and after the pandemic rejoined the in-person modality process.

On the other side of the coin: We see public schools, which, on the contrary, unfortunately did not correctly achieve virtuality, have not been able to achieve in-person modality; rural areas being mostly affected.

2. In another context we see a breach of social human rights in terms of social responsibility of populations that live adjacent to places that are contaminated by water sources. 

It can be observed in different places in the national geography that many populations are affected due to large, excessive deforestations with the excuse of the need to carry out developments in the country. In turn, every day, we sadly see quantities of polluted rivers. Some of them being the water source of drinking water supply for many populations.

These environmental violations endanger life in its entirety, including affecting the quality of life in fishing areas and agricultural activities in the community.

This issue is truly shocking since this unleashes social and economic problems and, very importantly, affects health.

Source: Public domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2740821

Tips to safeguard human rights

As an individual, professional and sustainable fashion brand; I am struck by the non-compliance with many Human Rights in different places. This allows me to observe with amazement that very simple values are overlooked. It is for this reason that I allow myself to propose possible recommendations:

Education: Regarding this situation: Get actively involved and be diligent in requesting teachers; state actors and parties that make up educational guidelines; to educational establishments; and to all entities and authorities that are linked to the basic work in the generation and promotion of equal rights so that they enforce the rights of students to have a quality education, with information and promotion of analysis and understanding of the different intelligences and human capacities, respecting the socio-cultural contexts and with the in-person support modality necessary in learning.

As a community we can demand that students in rural areas with access difficulties be able to have a better form of accessibility to their campuses, as well as quality in the construction of classrooms, availability of drinking water, food support if necessary, resources quality academics and availability of learning tools.

It is a right that students have decent routes so that they can reach their educational centers, accompanied by adequate and economically accessible means of transportation.

Regarding the social issue of communities that present environmental pollution problems: Demand that sustainable practices that fight climate change be adopted and established.

Work together to develop programs and propose solutions that empower residents in sustainable, ecological and environmentally friendly practices that allow them to overcome the eradication of burning and felling of trees as well as learn to correctly manage waste and water resources. .

Exhort in different ways and through different means of dissemination to authorities and private companies to come up with solutions that promote equality in terms of decent health and a healthy environment.

In general: For these situations, as for any discrepancy in human rights, it is important to train each person we can starting from the primary nuclei such as family, friends, community and encourage them to then be multiplier entities capable of empowering other people, in the acquisition of knowledge of human rights, and in this way be able to reduce inequalities.

From my perspective I share these broad features trying to apply them from my reality on the impact of Human Rights on life and from my perspective. In future articles I want to delve into the different human rights, their application and protection to promote responsibility in our environment.

Human Rights are freedoms that evolve over time, and as we were able to observe in some situations, their compliance is still a challenge, but if we recognize them we can find great hope to be able to correct the violations that have arisen. It is up to each of us to have the responsibility of being key allies to promote and guarantee the exercise of fundamental rights.

I encourage you to continue visiting this page and I hope that, if you liked it, you will share it with someone who will find it very useful.

Remember the protection of human rights begins and ends with you, with each of us together.

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