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Migration from Latin America to Europe

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It is no secret that Europe is the main destination for many immigrants around the world. Latin Americans see the countries of the European Union including the United Kingdom as a great option towards a better life.

Why does this phenomenon happen?

“The reasons for emigrating to Europe are mainly two: first, the progressive deterioration of the economic, political and social situation of the countries of origin of the majority of these migrants, coupled with the lack of palliative or compensatory measures that allow them to weather the temporary in your country; and, second, the greater tightening of US immigration policy since 9/11” (Ruiz, 2022)

But, to migrate to Europe it is very important to know the new clauses and regulations that have been proposed and approved at the “Conference on the Future of Europe” where; The immigration issue is included but adapted to the needs of the European labor market. Thus, 16 measures are contemplated regarding legal and illegal migration. Tightening regulations for illegal migration, which is the large flow of migrants seeking to enter the territory of the European Union by various means. And, for asylum, things have not gotten very smooth either, and even more so, in a world where wars, climate change and political problems, among other products of the serious conflicts and conditions that occur on the planet, continue to be at the command of the day, a situation that prevents many from gathering documents that justify their situation, placing them in serious survival problems.

Thus, Europe finds as a solution to regulate migration and to improve the system, strengthen the “blue card”, through which people with qualifications that are useful and required by the European labor market are attracted to the European Union. . A measure that becomes dangerous for the countries of origin, since it carries a risk of what is called Brain Drain and affects the delay in developing countries, leaving them with serious problems to advance and improve the quality of life of their people. populations.

Through these measures, Europe will be open to legal migrants who are useful to them and adapt to what they require to improve their conditions, but they do not include and do toughen the measures that do not solve or stop the migratory flow that is becoming more complex and reflected in a serious crisis. humanitarian.

It must be taken into account that these proposals were created with the intention of improving, for Europe, the immigration system, suggesting it “more open, but effectively very controlled” and totally conditional on the benefits for European development. Therefore, the blue card is perfect for migrants who are highly qualified.

These measures let us see that migration continues to be classified and, therefore; It is very important to resolve underlying problems with the generation of opportunities at points of origin that should be assumed with priority measures within the construction of public policies and the agendas of developing countries.

Analyzing the policies taken by the European Union allows people to evaluate their processes and approaches for building life and how they project themselves into the future so as not to take risks or fall into unnecessary traps. The new policies are undoubtedly an opportunity for those who have the conditions and have been able to create important training structures, but this also generates a classification by not only educational but also economic opportunities, leaving in limbo the most complex thing to resolve and that concerns migrants. They don't have options.

Looking at things generically, one might think that migrating to Europe has become easier now, but the reality is very different.


 Ruiz Sandoval, E. (2022). Latinoamericanos con Destino a Europa: Migración, Remesas y. Obtenido de ICEI Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales: https://www.ucm.es/data/cont/docs/430-2013-10-27-PP%2002-06.pdf

Banchón, M. (09 de mayo de 2022). Migración de América Latina ¿en el futuro de Europa? Obtenido de https://www.dw.com/es/migraci%C3%B3n-de-am%C3%A9rica-latina-en-el-futuro-de-europa/a-61740072


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